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Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Regarded as a masterpiece of Mughal architecture, the Tomb of Akbar the Great is one of Agra’s greatest landmarks. Great Mughals built great tombs to remind posterity of their greatness & the Tomb of Akbar the Great was no exception. Begun in 1600 and completed by his son several decades later, Akbar’s tomb was & is great. The vast complex included gardens, gatehouses, & tombs of close family members ornamented with gold, silver, & semi precious stones. Unfortunately, the entire complex was ransacked shortly after it was built by rebellious Jats & subsequently fell into a semi ruinous state. A savior emerged in the form of Lord Curzon, Viceroy of India, who supervised a meticulous restoration of the entire complex saving it from complete desolation. Today, the marvelous Tomb of Akbar the Great is open to public. Favorite parts? Those wonderfully executed plaster reliefs! Also, those incredible floral inlays!
More information on Akbar & his spectacular Mausoleum can be found here & here.
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